Border Management Overview

Border Management Section derives its mandate from the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011, section 4(2) c, d, i, under the functions of the Director General:

      4(2) (c) Designating, classifying, and gazzetting points of entry and exit;

(d) Border management including the control and regulation of entry and exit of all persons at   ports and points of entry and exit;

(i) Conducting research, collection and analysis of data and management of records

Under these functions, Border Management Section performs various roles as listed below:

  • Coordination of border services including general management of entry and exit of persons
  • Implement and operationalize a standardized reporting tool (SITREP) for all PoEs.
  • Representations for the Director on matters concerning borders.
  • Management of border data management systems, including to manage, retrieve and analyze and process PISCES and SITREP data to provide management reports on trends (fraud, economic) in movement of persons
  • Provide consolidated border daily operational reports to Director of Immigration Services.
  • Provide liaison with border management system (PISCES), API, Facial recognition providers.
  • Provide liaison with Border Control and Operations Coordination Committee (BCOCC) to promote inter-agency and cross-border cooperation and coordination of border management.
  • Conduct border needs assessment.
  • Provide advisory and representation on one stop border posts (OSBPs).


Border Management Division works closely with Border Controls and Operations Co-ordination Committee (BCOCC) to;

  • formulate policies and programmes for the management and control of designated entry and exit points;
  • co-ordinate the exchange of information between the respective agencies responsible for the security and management of the borders at the designated entry and exit points;
  • ensure compliance with standards by the respective agencies to ensure the effective and efficient management of operations at the designated entry and exit points;
  • exercise oversight authority over the operations of the respective agencies at the designated entry and exit points; and
  • perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by this Act or any other written law.